
A Year of Perspective

What do you see when you look at this photo?

When I took the picture, I saw a heart.

A new friend of mine told me she saw, ‘furled up angel wings’!

I sat with the photo for a second time, and yes! I saw the angel wings.

Wait, I see two love birds! Do you see them? What do you see?

Choosing and changing perspective

2020 has been a year of choosing and allowing a shift in perspective.

The natural world provides a source of centering and grounding for me, as well as the opportunities to fill my heart with joy.

When I am in nature, I ‘naturally’ am changing my perspective.

The, often, swiftly moving clouds, that I love to watch, provide a frequent reminder that I can choose my perspective, and I can choose to change it often.

While there is some rigidity in nature, I tend to see a great deal of flexibility and flow.

The most deeply rooted trees still have branches that bend with the winds. While they can break, especially those which have become weakened, or because the tree has not been pruned, branches also bend.

The flower buds on my Jasmine bushes portend the approach of sweet-smelling blossoms.

Heavy rain or strong winds can shorten my enjoyment of the intoxicating fragrance of the flowers.

My perspective could be one of disappointment or I could, and can, choose, to place my focus on the joy, no matter how short-lived, that the unfolding process of nature’s gift brought to me.

I tend to see instructional, inspirational metaphors in nature, which I can then translate into what I am experiencing in my day-to-day life and can more easily change my perspective.

As I say farewell to a very unusual year, I am grateful for all of nature’s gifts, and look ahead to the gifts I am certain to receive in the new year.

I wish you many moments of happiness, serenity, peace, and optimal, holistic, well-being.

May you gain flexibility in choosing perspectives that serve your highest good.




  1. Beautifully written. Such calm came over me reading this. Ty.